Monday, September 29, 2008

im a good friend!!

look what MS. Math thinks of me. im so flattered! i would give it right back to her but i think youre suppose to pass it on so im gonna pass it to someone who's relatively new to blogging, 
ITS YOU KELLY!!! now run up to the podium and grab it out of my hands blowing kisses to your adoring fans all the way.

kelly and i both have 3 yr old boys, we were in the same "play group" when the boys were babies, 2 years ago i moved away from ohio but kelly and i had sporadically stayed in touch until the launch of her blog, where i now visit almost every day and vice versa.


Kelly said...

WoW...I don't know what to say.
THANK YOU, I am honored.
You are so sweet!

diana said...

you didn't tell us what you did to get this honor bestoad aupon you?or i guess that is a question we should be asking mrs. math in any case congrats i think you should hang it in your heart.

Holly said...

Yay! I'm glad you like the award! When I thought about giving it to someone, you were the first person I thought of. You have left so many wonderful comments that have made my day more times than I can count and I wanted you to know how much you are appreciated!