do you get vintage envy? i do, when i see a blog post about some awesome deal someone found at a rummage sale, i think, "Man, when do i ever find something THAT awesome?"
well todays the day ladies (and maybe the occasional gentleman)
may i present........

i went to good will this morning looking for a lamp (can you believe it?) for our guest room (i broke the cheap schmultzy one that was in there this morning while assembling the bed) i thought, "well, any lamp will do" i just needed some light in there and then i saw her.... and i thought, that one will need a little make over and a shade, but i think it will work.
then, i spied her sister oooohhhh, 2 lamps that match? thats rare.
then i took her off the shelf and noticed that beneath all the dirt, dust, grime and a coat of antique white paint. they were...wait for it... the same green as my kitchen walls!!!
and look!!! 2 bucks each!

now i dont have to envy Liz.
and Mom, i hope you dont think theyre hideous because theyre going in your room.