Wednesday, July 23, 2008

my surplus

do you see this! what am i going to do with this much squash and zuchini? im gonna be a zuchini bread making fool. these came from my co worker jim's wifes garden, she plants a ton every year and if we dont take what he brings then he throws them in the compost heap! i couldnt bear to see any of these wonderful veggies wasted so i took them all(after everyone else had a chance of course). now i have to figure out what to do with them all. im not kidding when i say i have a whole laundry basket full.

so...anyone want some veggies?


Liz Harrell said...

Oh yum. If I lived close, I'd be running there right now!

diana said...

stir fry with a little evoo, then grate the rest and throw in the freezer in on or two cups bags for later use. also cookies yes cookies, yumo

Holly said...

I love zuchini bread! I've always wondered what people make out of zuchini other than bread - you'll have to keep us posted on the cooking and baking! Great picture, by the way! It's so fun! :)

Tricia said...

Oh, if only I weren't 1000 miles away! I'm paying $2 a pound here for squash :(

Marci said...

Could you just toss them to me like the fish throwing guy on the Muppets please? This is a restricted food in my house unless I bake it secretly into bread. I like the idea of freezing it for later. Yum! Off to make some stir fry, thanks for the inspiration!

MustHaveCoffee... said...

Oh yum! I'm so jealous...we love zucchini bread...just won't be home to make any for a while. Still, I agree with the rest...I always grate it and measure out a cup or two then freeze in baggies..that way I can make bread anytime of year! :) Have fun baking!

AndyB said...

Cut lengthwise and marinate in a mix of EVOO, Balsamic Vinegar, and Worcestershire for 20-30 min. Then grill on high for a couple of minutes (turn once).

If all else fails you can always bring them to church :)