Thursday, January 15, 2009

how it went.

so, im sure youre all wondering about our first night of church, right?although his official ordination will not be until probably next month,  kens first night as acting pastor went very smoothly (see focus on the word, his blog) the message was simple, stop putting your hope for fullfillment in worldly things and start putting it in Jesus Christ.  
 the small crowd included mostly family, Rev. Vickie and Rev Glenn (pastors at Hanover UMC), a couple of guys from our church family at HUMC and one person from the Walnut Street neighborhood that we are working to reach out to. 

im so thankful to have a godly man as the head of our family.


diana said...

we are thankful to have godly parents for our grandson

Kelly said...

I am glad that it went well for you. I was thinking about you.
You are in my prayers.

Marci said...

Incredible, I wish I could have been there! I think its a great message and one that needs to be heard!

Holly said...

It sounds like a beautiful message. I'm glad things went well. I'll pray that they continue to go well.